Draper Connect Manual BB 16:9, 230x129 cm Rollo

Connect manual, format 16:9, image size 230 x 129,5, overall size 240 x 165

Connect is a basic compact screen which is very easy to install. The case is made
of steel and painted white. It can be mounted either on the wall or in the ceiling
and is attached to the wall/ceiling with one screw at each end of the case. The
screen is operated manually.

C2417-W 2400 x 1650 2300 x 1295

Tuchgrösse: 240 x 165
Bildgrösse: 230 x 129,5
Bilddiagonale in Zoll: 104
Bruttogewicht: 10
Gespleisst: nein
Modell: Connect
Tuch: Arctiq
Steuerungstyp: Manual
Format: 16:9
Paketlänge: 270
Paketbreite: 12

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